The best part about camping is being able to get out in nature and enjoy sights and smells of the wild around you. Of course, along with this comes the perk of being able to build a campfire to sit around, cook and enjoy the great outdoors. Many campsites have built-in pits to use, but there are several that do not, and this means you will have to create your own. Starting a fire in the great outdoors does come with some responsibility, and there are things to keep in mind when doing so.
The first step is to find a good spot. Look around the area and make sure that there are no bushes, trees or tree debris nearby where you are trying to have your fire pit. It is a good rule of thumb to allow at least ten feet of space between where you are putting your pit and any surrounding trees nearby. Dig a space approximately two feet long and roughly six inches deep to ensure that your fire will be contained in the space. Once the ring of your pit is laid out, double check to see that all the extra wood and leaves are out of the way and then fill the center with a solid amount of dirt. If there are any large stones that you can find, it can be a good idea to line the outer rim of your pit with them in a circular fashion.

Next, gather the tinder and wood that will be at the center of your fire. The best way to get one started is to use some small branches to build a pyramid shape in the middle and fill it in with leaves or small pieces of wood. Before lighting, it is important to have the area as dry as possible because any kind of moisture could stop your fire from working well. There are even some flammable ready-made logs and fire starters that can be purchased in just about any store outdoor or hardware store. While the fire is going, be sure to keep it small and containable. Generally speaking, the flames should not get higher than three feet tall for your safety and the well being of the forest environment. Another thing to keep in mind is to have a bucket of water or something that would allow you to extinguish the fire in an instant if needed. Also, never allow the fire to be unattended, not even for a short amount of time. If a strong wind or sudden breeze should happen to come along, it could need your attention immediately. If you decide to take a nap or go for a hike, make sure that the flames are completely out.
When putting out your fire, allow at least a half an hour before you go to bed or leave the area. This ensures that the flames are extinguished and that there is no chance of it relighting while you are away. You can easily break down your pit with a shovel and look to see that each piece of wood has been snuffed before drowning the space with water. Pour enough water onto the area that was used for the fire until the pit is soaked, and stir it up to allow every piece to be touched. A good way to see how successful you were in putting out the fire is to feel the parts that you have covered in the water. These should be cool to touch and fall apart easily. If you are leaving the campsite, it is also wise to fill up the area back up with dirt and leave it the way you found it.
Written by the staff at Quality RV. Quality RV is one of the top RV Dealers that the state of Missouri has to offer. They service the whole state including St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia and the Lake of the Ozarks.