While the exterior of your vehicle whether dilapidated or otherwise doesn’t really affect performance, stains and scratches could hurt you in terms of monetary value as a car in dire visual condition will lose a considerable chunk off its usual selling price. Alternatively, redoing worn out paint is not only cumbersome but it also tremendously expensive. It is therefore important that you know how to care for your vehicle’s paintwork and here are a couple of pointers on how you can do just that.
1) Regularly and properly wash the exterior in its entirety

This is the easiest way to ensure the longevity of your car’s paint job and proper washing in this regard entails parking under a tree and starting off with a thorough rinse of the outside so as to dislodge debris and dirt first. Before doing so, let the surface cool off until its cool to the touch so as to get around the formation of water spots. Thorough rinsing also ensures that the loose particles are not embedded into the finish during the drying stage which could lead to swirling and/or scratching. After letting your car sit for a while, gently dry the surface using an absorbent but soft towel such as those made out of chamois and microfiber. As a general rule of thumb, a good washing once a week is recommended.
2) Regular waxing also goes a long way
If you are in an area where rain is hard to come by, then fresh waxing is something you can do once a year or so. The number of requisite waxes to maintain a good paint job actually boils down to your weather and how often you drive your car but experts generally advice two annual wax treatments i.e. one at the onset of winter and another in the spring.
3) Polish every now and again to remove slight scratches
Scratches are the chink in your car’s armor that if left unchecked could pave the way for irreversible structural damage. Polishing will help do away with light grazes on the surfaces but remember car polish has minute particles and a hard scrubbing will worsen things further. Alternatively, you could also turn to a topnotch scratch removal product to effectively get the good the job done without inflicting damage on the exterior. You might need a spray can or pen to cover things up if the scar runs too deep.
4) If you have matt paint, here’s what you need to do
Matt paint is a whole other ball game as wax sealants and polishing are detrimental to its aesthetic condition. Proper washing, in this case, involves doing it yourself by hand and cloth or by using a pressure washer coupled with special products. For the latter case, ensure a good separation distance between the car and the pressure washer lest the excess force wear out the paint.
Ensuring your car’s paint is in sparkling and excellent condition is quite easy as you’ve probably noticed by now and it only takes up about 20 minutes of your time each week and you don’t need to be a mechanic to properly do so. Remember, well-preserved paintwork of a vehicle could save you money running into thousands of dollars in terms of resale value and maintenance expenses so it is vital that you take good care of your automobile’s exterior.