Many, both small and big, businesses were affected by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, no one was spared. Overnight, businesses had to adjust the way they worked and to transfer to the home environment – if that was possible. On the other hand, some businesses had to reduce their workforce, leaving many workers without jobs and income.
In Australia, an astounding number of small businesses have reported a decline in revenue due to the pandemic. Some even claimed that out of 2 million Australia’s small businesses, 160.000 could not survive COVID-19.
It’s now the middle of 2021 and many businesses are optimistic about the future despite what we went through only a year ago. With the number of COVID-19 cases in Australia steadily declining, businesses are starting to look for solutions of how to enhance their business, revenue, and cash flow, amongst many other things.
If you’re the owner of one such optimistic business, it’s time to find viable solutions to enhance your cash flow and stabilize your business, here are some tips you should think about.
1. Adapt to new changes
A lot has changed in the past year, customers have changed, technology has changed, even your business has changed. People are still wary of physical contact, of leaving their homes and going into shops.
These are all the reasons why implementing and adapting to new changes is inevitable. Make sure that your business meets all the new customer needs. This means that you need to make sure that customers feel safe when they walk into your business.
Implement protective measures such as masks, alcohol-based gels, distance measures, and if you need let only a small number of people on your premises. This is a strategy that may not seem like a strategy, but if people feel safe in your store, they will more likely be willing to come again.
2. Encourage customers to buy more
Once you adapted to new changes and made sure that customers feel safe, it’s time to encourage them to buy more. One of the key strategies that will increase your business cash flow is motivating your customers to buy more from you.
However, you need to be careful when doing this. You don’t want to overdo it with new deals and opportunities. What you should do is concentrate on best-selling items and products. Encourage your customers to buy best-selling products by offering deals, selling in sets with similar related, products.
This is a foolproof way to increase your sales, revenue and to attract new customers and clients.
3. Update technology
If there is something good that we learned from this pandemic, then that is the need to be up to date with technology. One way of enhancing your business is through modern technology and equipment.
Yes, all this technology can be extremely expensive, but it will pay off. If you invest in modern, energy-efficient equipment, you will save, energy, time, and even money on extra labor. Investing in modern technology can increase production and in that way enhance your business by providing a better cash flow.
Besides, if you’re unsure about investing huge amounts of money to update everything, think about finding used equipment and machinery. Buying second-hand or renting is also a possibility.
4. Debt collection
The most uncomfortable thing every small business in Australia has to deal with is debt collection. Pushing and rushing people to give you back what they owe you is one of the downsides of being a business owner.
The worst part is dealing with clients and customers who have no intention of giving you the money they owe you. Thankfully, in these situations, you can rely on debt collectors. Instead of chasing your debtors, hire a reliable and trustworthy agency that deals with debt collection in Brisbane.
They are experts at what they do and will make sure your debtors return everything they owe you. This is one of the ways to make sure your business gets back on track and it gets enhanced.
5. Deal with unnecessary expenses
Every business has some unnecessary expenses. From unused storage space, worthless marketing, old technology to late payment fees, and many other unnecessary expenses that are in dire need of trimming.
Sometimes, you’ll need to rethink your marketing strategy instead of investing in advertisements that are taking you nowhere. Transfer to smaller storage space instead of giving money storing things that are collecting dust – sell them and get rid of the storage.
Invest in accounting software that will help you track your spendings and payments. This will help you make payments on time or earlier. If you find this difficult, then you can hire an accountant that will help you with management, accounts, and the financial health of your business.
Surviving is what we do best. We survived the global pandemic and now it’s time to look for ways to stabilize and enhance our businesses. Help your business flourish by implementing some of these tips.