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5 Tips For Picking A College

5 Tips For Picking A College

Find the perfect collegiate match by doing your homework. Don’t mindlessly follow the herd of high school students to a certain group of popular universities. If you hate being a small fish in a big pond you may prefer a lesser known school which offers your major.

Use these 5 tips to choose your college.

Move Away from the Standard Tour

By getting away from structured tours you get a feel for what the university really has to offer. College admissions officers and tour guides offer a different version of the college experience versus a behind the scenes look at the school. Speak to students. Tour the campus on your own. Don’t let the opinions of biased staff to change your viewpoint. If you step away from the tour you may see a college in the light of truth. Tours offer a biased, sanitized version of a school. You can pick the right university by checking out a campus from your perspective.

5 Tips For Picking A College

Speak to Alumni

Talk to alums who’ve majored in a similar discipline. Take advantage of their experience. You may have a different view of a college after connecting with an alum. Former students clue you in to how the university benefitted them.

You may either be terribly disappointed or elated after speaking to an alum who helps set the record straight. Some schools may boast of a particular major being top notch. Alums can verify or shoot down the school’s claims.

Don’t hesitate to speak to alumni from your high school too. If individuals you may have connected with in the past feel comfortable at an institution of higher learning you may have a similar experience.

Easy on the Debt

Although a college education can skyrocket your job prospects avoid paying dearly for the next 20 to 30 years. Unless you’re particularly talented or skilled you may need to work for a number of years to take a significant bite out of big student loans.

Set a goal to graduate without being overcome by debt. The unnecessary burden can force you to take on a job which you may not vibe with just to pay your bills. Consider attending an in state university to make the smart financial choice. Choose a college that fits into your budget.

Think about More than Your Major

Going to college should be a complete experience. Although you need to study and work hard in the classroom a well-rounded student is involved in extracurricular activities. Check out intramural program if you’re athletic. Look into clubs to keep busy during your spare time.

If you’re a big sports fan consider universities with strong college or basketball programs. Enjoy your studies and your time away from the classroom to get the most out of your college experience.


Decide if the university fully supports your major. Look into programs which interest you and offer a full array of courses in your area of study.

Some colleges have so few majors for certain disciplines that students need to wait for over a year to take major courses. Make sure you’re picking a match before you commit to a college.

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