Programming can seem intimidating/ But for the average person, it’s not essential to get a college degree for the sole purpose of building a program. There are a number of great books on the market that will help you learn how to use C++ programming like a pro. Whether you want to spend time each day or want it broken down in easy steps, these books will help you learn how to program.
C++ Programming in Easy Steps by Mike McGarth
This book is a must for those that have no experience with any type of programming. The book is laid out to provide complete examples that will explain each step. The book begins by explaining where to download a free C++ compiler so that can begin completing the examples in the book right away. Soon, you’ll be creating your own executable programs.

Beginning C++ Programming Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson
This book makes learning C++ programming fun by focusing on gaming. The writer of the book assumes that you have no previous programming experience and uses easy to understand language along with step-by-step instructions. Each chapter has small projects to complete so that you can practice what you’ve learned.
Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day by Siddhartha Rao
Don’t want to be overwhelmed by learning programming? Then this is a great choice. While this is a more advanced book, it will teach you how to write compact and efficient code. At the end of each lesson there are exercises that allow you to practice what you’ve learned.
C++ Without Fear by Brian R Overland
C++ Without Fear uses simple, down to earth terms to help you understand the basics of C++ programming. The book is loaded with examples, exercises, and figures that will teach you how to create useful, reusable code so that you can start writing your own programs.
Beginning Program with C++ for Dummies by Stephen R Davis
This is a fun, user-friendly book that will walk you through the basic aspects of C++ programming and teach you how and why it works the way it does. A benefit of this book is that it walks you through the challenges that may arise during programming tasks.
C++ programming is used to create a number of programs that are used each and every day. Learning how to master this programming language will give you the ability to create programs that are useful in your everyday life and even programs that can be sold for a profit. What are you waiting for? Start learning how to program today.
About the Author: Moises Stumpp is a software developer who enjoys working with small businesses. Whether you hire someone or design your own programs, make sure you partner with places like Alliance Consulting Group to make sure everything is working properly before the official launch date.