So you are thinking about moving to Detroit but are unsure as to if you should actually make the move. Moving to a new city can be a daunting and scary task and it is important to be sure that you are ready for the move. There are several reasons as to why moving to Detroit would be a great decision, from the income median to the price of a home. It is important to learn the benefits of moving to Detroit and below you will a few examples as to why the city is great for a new move.
Small Town
At the current time, Detroit is a small town and not considered a city. The population size is not quite large so that you will feel overwhelmed with too much traffic or people. You will find the city is small enough to enjoy without feeling too packed with people and being overcrowded. A small town can provide you with a laid back environment and is a wonderful option for raising children.

Purchasing a Home
Once you have decided to move to the area, you will no doubt be looking to buy a house in Detroit. This can be a difficult task as you will not be familiar with the area. However, there are several skilled realtor companies that can assist you on the search for a new home. According to recent reports of United States real estate, Detroit is the fifth most affordable city for buying a home in the US and you will find the median income needed to purchase a home is set at just over $30,000. This opens up the area for you to explore purchasing a home in several neighborhoods with many options to choose from depending on your income level and desire of home.
Find a realtor who can work with you to provide the best home for your needs. Be sure to cover the bases such as budget, square footage, schools, work place and your entertainment needs. By knowing what you would like, a realtor will be able to help you find the best home for your new move.
People Mover
When you move to Detroit, you will need some form of transportation. Of course, you will most likely move to the city with a vehicle but you will find the town also provides a unique form of transportation. The People Mover is a futuristic mode of transportation that is in the form of a train and will take you along 13 stops within a 3 mile radius in the city. You can easily move from one point to another quickly via the People Mover, which would normally take around 15 minutes on foot.
Natural Produce
One of the more interesting programs taking place in Detroit today involves produce. Groups such as Earthworks and Hantz offer farm services in areas around Detroit. Empty land is used as farm land and will provide nutritional food for residents of the city. Vacant lots are transformed and offer a place for everyone to participate in helping with community planting.
Easy Access to Canada
Once you are living in Detroit, you will find that you have access to Canada quite easily. This will give you an instant option for vacationing when the time arises. You can cross the border and begin a tour of Toronto or simply go where the wind takes you and see what our neighbors to the north have to offer.
The reasons for moving to Detroit are vast and of course you will have your own. Take the time to embrace the city and you will find you will enjoy your new lifestyle and surroundings as Detroit have a great deal to offer.