4 Ways To Protect Your Skin From Folds and Wrinkles When Losing Weight

Losing a large amount of weight is a great accomplishment. You’ve taken steps to improve your health, self-image, and reclaimed your right to enjoy life. However, after a fast or dramatic weight loss, many people run into another obstacle. The unsightly folds of loose or hanging skin on your new body can put a damper… Continue reading 4 Ways To Protect Your Skin From Folds and Wrinkles When Losing Weight

Smooth Skin For Sandal Season: DIY Professional Pedicure

It’s like a scene from a horror film. The setting is late winter/early spring, Pilates class. There are four other people in the class. Your instructor arrives and asks everyone to remove their shoes. Trembling, you do as your told. You attempt to be as discrete as possible, but the chipped polish and cracked, pasty-white… Continue reading Smooth Skin For Sandal Season: DIY Professional Pedicure

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