One of the most daunting tasks of a job hunt is to prepare the seemingly endless stream of cover letters. Striking up an interest in a company that could quite possibly throw your work into the recycle bin is a very difficult thing to do. On the other hand, a perfunctory cover letter will scuttle even the strongest of resumes. It is the first thing that employers see and many times the only thing they see. The cover letter tells them instantly if you are interested in the company.
The best way to write a great cover letter is to apply to a company that you really want to work for. That means one that you really want to work for. Not one that will be a great career opportunity, one that will pay a lot of money or one that offers great benefits. Write a cover letter for your dream job, whatever it may be.
Always Write To Impress

I always find it easy to write a cover letter for charities or interest groups. Think about the average Fortune 500 Company. What types of things come to mind? Expense reports, cubicles, spreadsheets? Now think about corporations like Habitat for Humanity. Helping families in need, strengthening the community, leaving a legacy for future generations? How about the Sierra Club? Protecting our natural lands, cleaning the environment, helping to influence the political process? Which places sound the easiest to write a cover letter to?
When you are writing about something that makes you feel good just to be a part of it, it will clearly show through your writing. You will not have to stop and think about things to say, they will be coming out of your head faster than you can type. Explain why you want to work in that company. Say how much you respect their work. You will find that your description is more beautiful than anything you could ever imagine saying.
Always Adapt

After writing a cover letter to every one of your dream jobs, it’s time to return to return to back up plans. Now, these will not be nearly as difficult as before. It is simply a matter of adapting a cover letter meant for a dream job into a cover letter for a more realistic job. Today’s companies try very hard to instill a positive corporate culture and also try to shine the best light on their work. Most of them will advertise mission statements very similar to non-profits.
Insurance Companies don’t sell policies; they protect families by providing financial security in the face of disaster. Auto companies don’t manufacture vehicles; they drive our nation forward into an energy efficient future. Matching these statements to those found in cover letters written for non-profits should not be difficult. If you are in doubt, consult writing experts for advice. Even if it’s difficult to be as excited about these claims as the intentions of non-profits, reusing a cover letter designed for a non-profit will work just as well.