Finding a good job in this market is all about your skills, your qualifications, your network, and, most importantly, luck. If you have a solid network of contacts, finding a good job isn’t going to take very long. The importance of networking has been talked about for many years now and it’s high time that people start focusing on their contacts. It’s vitally important that you build a solid network of contacts so that you can find out about the latest job openings and new offers before they reach the mainstream. However, if you have been applying for jobs for quite a while and are unable to find something that suits your needs, there are a few ways through which you can dramatically increase your chances of finding a good job. Here are a few tips that will help you in significantly improving your chances of getting a good job.

Start Applying Online When You Can
Applying for new jobs online is a fantastic idea; most of the companies nowadays release job offers over the Web and often work with private agencies to help them find the most suitable candidate for the job. You should sign on up different job hunting websites to significantly increase your chances of finding a decent job. You will be in the know about all of the different openings in the market and will be able to apply very quickly. If you want, you can visit here for an IT Job vacancy in Malaysia. Applying online is a very good idea and can save you a great deal of time and money as well. Most of the job hunting websites don’t require you to pay a fee to sign up on their platforms. They usually make their money through advertisements on the website so users get to take advantage of their services for free.
Work on Your CV
The CV is basically a small summary of your qualifications and your interests. Simply put, it’s the most efficient way for another person to find out more about you and how you can benefit the organisation. Unfortunately, most people don’t know much about how to create their CVs and often end up making small mistakes. For starters, you should make sure that the CV is never more than two pages long. HR managers don’t like to spend more than a few minutes on reading the CV so it’s very important that you summarise everything and condense it down to two pages.
Moreover, avoid putting on generic skills on your CV; it impresses no one and just serves as filler content on your pages. Only list details that are relevant to your performance at work. Also, there’s really no need to fill up a whole page full of references. Instead, just mention that you can provide references if needed; many companies will require you to give them so make sure that you have everything in order in case the managers ask you to provide references.