Technology has touched our lives easier. Various techniques have issues again in our lives miserable. Excellence is to improve people’s lives day after day technology. There are different kinds of people with this aspect of the technology. Many people harbor misconceptions about the technology, but the idea has, especially in technology, there are many misconceptions about the future or the future of technology.
Here I would like to share some of the technologies with you
Human Robot Friends
Many are quite concerned about the matter. According to them, once the robot would take power into their own hands. The results can be quite terrible.
Developed countries are using different cars and the drone were not much use without the battlefield. Now the concern is, if the authority is given to the robot duplicates of this drone is, if they are given the opportunity to attack on their own, then what happens? Will people be able to change the drone?
If these events happened, then you can leave the power in their hands, which is something that should not go. There are currently some of the medical robots, who is playing the role of a doctor. Symptoms begin to understand the patient counseling that enables the robot.
Maybe in the future we will deliver more of the work in hand, which means that people can not be this automaton. And eventually we’ll discover as dependent on the robot. 009 held computer scientists, robot manufacturers and experts said at a conference, people being able to pull data using the robot.
And so is their advice, these issues need to be controlled with an iron hand from now on.

Coming Soon Flying Car
Flying cars or sees people coming from a long time dream of a flying car. Through which people can easily go into the air and landed at any place, you can easily and safely.
Flying car seen by many in the film. Began to fly from the ground and in the air soaring. In 1917, the first man to walk is exposed to the wind picks up. Then we did the same, but much more, none of the initiatives. Henry Ford said, will be flying cars in 1940. But nothing like that has been seen in the last century.
The decade of the twenty-first century, there were literally passed yet. NASA held a contest with the inventors Was aimed at the “Personal Air Vehicle” is created. However, after NASA distanced itself from the initiative.
Still cannot afford the kinds of cars with different Dima. Costs, and control paths, security and terrorists are all great obstacles use.
While many of these kinds of things make the show, but they had nothing else to do except for minor aircraft. And yet this kind of dream is nothing other than.
What can be Done to Prevent Climate Change?
Our favorite in the world, being a victim of climate change. But by no means is it possible to stop? According to climate experts, in some cases, maybe it can be reduced and some of the larger kinds can be protected from disasters. Climate change, from the terrible step back to where we’ve had to overcome, and there is no way.
We’ve already started to see the harmful consequences of climate change. Melting of polar ice. Causing the sea level has risen. As a result of ever more terrible cyclones in South Asia flows coming back to form. Millions of people in developing countries are the biggest victims of this change. Seashore, the small country has already started to deal with large-scale disasters. If the continued existence of the country will be once.
And so, if we do not stop emitting greenhouse gases today, you will answer to this situation? No, in the middle of the century, the degree of global warming will increase further. Because the amount of carbon dioxide that is present, to verify the need for more than half a century of time. Some countries are working on this issue for the transition. For example, in Norway by the atmosphere of carbon dioxide pump sending ground. If greenhouse gases continue to increase 3 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century the Earth’s temperature rises. And it will not be easy to get rid of this condition.