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How To Avoid Hidden Dangers In Your Backyard

Owning a home and maintaining a yard is a lot of work. It can also present dangers to your family and pets if you don’t stay on top of it. Take a look at these five hidden dangers in your back yard and how you can avoid them.

Mow Your Lawn Weekly

How To Avoid Hidden Dangers In Your Backyard
Image via Flickr by Shane Adams

Tall grass is a breeding ground for bugs and snakes. Snakes and rodents like to live in tall grass because it’s easy to hide. Parasites, like ticks, fleas, and mosquitos like tall grass because it provides them with plenty of food. This means you should mow your lawn weekly to prevent bugs, snakes, and rodents from making it their home. Plus, in many areas, it’s against the law to not mow your grass. Use a walk-behind mower like the Husqvarna HU800AWD or a Husqvarna zero turn lawnmower to make trimming the grass fast and easy. Or, opt for a ride-on garden tractor if you have a larger lawn.

Use Pesticides That Are Safe for Pets

After you’ve sprayed pesticides in your back yard, you shouldn’t allow your pets outside for a few days. This is because you don’t want them eating the grass or rolling in it and then cleaning themselves later. Pesticides are harmful to pets if they’re ingested. Children should also be kept off the grass for a few days after it has been fertilized to prevent illness.

Seal Holes Under Your Shed and Porch

Rodents and wild animals can get under your porch or shed if there are openings. Once these pests have decided to call it home, they are difficult to remove. You don’t want to have to worry about skunks, raccoons, or any other wild animals living in your yard because they’re a threat to your kids and pets. Plus, they can cause all sorts of damage to your property.

Don’t Let Buckets and Barrels Have Standing Water

Standing water attracts flies, mosquitoes, and other annoying insects. It can quickly become a problem in your backyard. If you’re tired of grabbing the bug spray every time you go outside, make sure that there is no standing water in your back yard.

Be Careful with Foreign Plants and Weeds in Your Yard

There are several poisonous plants that can make you sick, and even cause death. That’s why you should always wear gloves and be careful around plants that you can’t identify. It’s easy to spot the common poison ivy and poison oak, but plants like oleander, manchineel, and deadly nightshade are less common. Additionally, some common plants are dangerous if you eat certain parts. For instance, rhubarb leaves can be deadly because they cause shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
These are just a few of the hidden dangers in your back yard. You should always be on the lookout for other hazards, such as large rocks people can trip over, unsecured tools, and anything else that looks dangerous. What are some hidden dangers in your back yard?

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