When it comes to hosting your company’s website, you have many different options to choose from. Although some of them can cost a significant amount of money, others are cheap or even free. With businesses always on the lookout for new ways to save money, it’s no wonder that some companies are tempted by the… Continue reading The Whole Story On Free Web Hosting
Tag: the cloud
Business Intelligence Solutions Blossom In Windows Cloud
Business Intelligence (BI) software converts data into valuable information. Companies of all sizes are extracting important business intelligence with the help of emerging cloud delivery models. Today’s cloud resources make it possible for smaller companies to support data analytics and data warehousing. Now with cloud outsourcing a single individual can do work previously requiring five… Continue reading Business Intelligence Solutions Blossom In Windows Cloud
Hosted Exchange Email Savings
Deploying, managing and maintaining an Exchange server for your organization’s e-mail and collaboration solution can be daunting, regardless of the size of your business. But switching to a hosted Microsoft Exchange solution can save you money, time, free up personnel for more mission-critical tasks, and eliminate management headaches. Just how much can you save by… Continue reading Hosted Exchange Email Savings
The Three Benefits Of Drupal Hosting
In an online environment where a constantly changing web presence is a necessity, both small and large businesses struggle with uploading enough content at the right speed. One method of managing your content is Drupal. As an open-source software, it’s both free to download and is constantly being updated. By making the code available to… Continue reading The Three Benefits Of Drupal Hosting