Doing anything you can to improve or maintain employee and customer health is just smart for business. Healthcare costs are spiraling out of control, and Forbes says that sick employees cost $576 billion per year. Here are tips on how to increase the health-conscious atmosphere at your business. Get Rid of Vending Machines Sure, it… Continue reading How To Create A Health-Conscious Atmosphere In Your Business
Tag: health
CRAZY BULK Supplements
CRAZY BULK and steroids have been linked for a good many years. Ever since a study was carried out and published in a US medical journal in the early 1990’s, CRAZY BULK as a natural and effective steroid has been touted by many. The reason for this? The results of the study indicated that participants… Continue reading CRAZY BULK Supplements
Gender Reassignment Surgery
Gender reassignment surgery is also called sex reassignment surgery, sex realignment surgery or sex affirmation surgery. It is named for a series of procedures designed to turn a female into a male or a male into a female. The sexual characteristics are altered so that the appearance is changed to be that of the other… Continue reading Gender Reassignment Surgery
5 Surprising Benefits Of Consuming Caffeine
verybody knows the pitfalls of the most consumed drug in America: caffeine. It can make you restless later in the day, nervous and twitchy, or even increase your heart rate. But those side effects are generally associated with taking large doses of caffeine. The truth is, when used in moderation, caffeine can have some pretty… Continue reading 5 Surprising Benefits Of Consuming Caffeine
It’s Bed Time – How To Get The Little Ones To Go To Sleep
As you can assume, most kids aren’t getting enough sleep. This may not seem like a big deal to many parents, but when you consider the fact that a 5 year old needs at least 11 hours of sleep a night, you likely feel like your own kids are falling short of the snooze they… Continue reading It’s Bed Time – How To Get The Little Ones To Go To Sleep
Tooth Paste-Ensures Your Sound Dental Health
Try to guess, what question does the dentists asked more often? And it is a question about the tooth-pastes. Using the correct toothpaste for your teeth is vital and ensures your sound dental health. Ideal tooth-paste should have set of properties, for example, effectively delete a touch and prevent its formation, should raise a fortress… Continue reading Tooth Paste-Ensures Your Sound Dental Health
Changes In Health Care And The Difficulties With Obamacare
The 1st of October was a red-letter day for the Affordable Care Act, a signature policy that President Obama has put underway, through which uninsured citizens may purchase health-care coverage from the new online medical care “exchanges” that have opened on this day. Put simply, by the first of January 2014 every American is required… Continue reading Changes In Health Care And The Difficulties With Obamacare
4 Of The Best Exercise Options For People With Asthma
Since heavy breathing and exercise go hand-in-hand, it’s understandable why someone with asthma would want to limit physical activity. According to the American Lung Association, asthma symptoms are triggered during exercise because you breathe harder and lose water from your lungs. The water loss causes the temperature of the lungs to drop, which may then cause shortness of… Continue reading 4 Of The Best Exercise Options For People With Asthma
Dr. Farzad Mostashari Steps Down As Federal Health IT Chief
On Tuesday, August 8, 2013, Dr. Farzad Mostashari, health information technology coordinator for the Obama Administration, announced that he will soon be stepping down from his position. This will leave a very important gap in the team needed to move the digital record keeping aspect of the country’s changing healthcare practices forward. Mostashari issued his… Continue reading Dr. Farzad Mostashari Steps Down As Federal Health IT Chief
Managing Physical and Mental Health Resourcefully
Noopept, which is one of the easily available nootropics, is very much linked to the family of ‘racetams’, a typical category of products that have medicinal qualities. This product is generally regarded as a much more powerful one than many other commonly used nootropics, especially Piracetam. One of the many good things of Noopept is… Continue reading Managing Physical and Mental Health Resourcefully