Should Your Business Offer International Shipping?

Should Your Business Offer International Shipping?

In today’s world, many businesses have the opportunity to reach a global audience and find new ways to grow. But, as it usually goes, many local business owners refuse to ship their products internationally. That is mainly because shipping costs are already high, and sending a package to a foreign country without offering free shipping can do more harm than good. 

Still, this business practice can be beneficial, especially if you want to provide better customer service, increase product quality and build better relationships with clients and customers. With that in mind, here are some good reasons you should offer international shipping and use this opportunity to beat the competitors.

Customers want it

One of the most obvious reasons you should offer international shipping is that your customers want it. If people from foreign countries are interested in your products, they wouldn’t mind paying extra for shipping. For example, people all over the world order products from Amazon daily, even if Amazon often charges double for shipping costs. 

So, identify your audience and adapt to their needs. You can ask your followers where they are from on social media and whether they would want to buy your products. This simple analysis will boost your income and help you make new business connections in the future, especially if your business provides materials or products for other companies.

Your competitors are doing it

As mentioned earlier, your competitors are most likely offering international shipping. One of the main goals of a local business owner is to stay relevant and important, and if you offer international shipping, more people would want to buy products from you. Other businesses in your field will take every opportunity to generate more sales leads, and if you haven’t done it already, it’s time to step up your game and tap into the international market.

You can strengthen the local economy

Believe it or not, you can strengthen the local economy by offering international shipping. By having headquarters in your own country, you can offer more jobs to people in your community. That is especially true if you’re manufacturing your own goods. As you send your products abroad, you’ll gain more profit, and some of that money will go to your employees. Bringing more money into your region might not be your top priority, but it will help you deliver better results, especially if you’re trying to grow your business.

It promotes your business image

If you care about your business image, you should consider offering international shipping. By providing more options, you can add value to your products and offer better customer service. Many clients will leave a bad review on your website just because they can’t order your products. To prevent that from happening, you should evaluate your options and determine whether it’s in your interest to tap into the international market.

It’s easy and convenient

Of course, logistics operations were inefficient ten years ago. But, in today’s world, you can easily transport goods from one place to another with minimal investment. If you decide to offer international shipping, keep in mind that you won’t have to deal with unnecessary paperwork or lose profits. On the contrary, shipping is more convenient than ever before, which is yet another reason you should give it a try. 

What’s more, many companies work with businesses and manufacturers to help them transport their goods and lower their shipping fees. A reliable freight forwarder can transport your products in large quantities and deliver them to your customers on time. What’s more, these services are affordable, but they also provide a sense of security, as most freight forwarders will do their best to reduce product damage.

Shipping across borders can be profitable

Funnily enough, business owners who offer international shipping can boost their sales. Of course, shipping costs can be expensive, but keep in mind that customers tend to order more products at once, as this practice can reduce shipping costs. 

One of your main goals as a business owner should be to find new ways to generate more sales leads. By offering international shipping, people who want to buy your products will search for additional goods they can add to their shopping cart, and you will end up with more money in your pocket. 

Moreover, if people start ordering more products, you will have to increase your production to meet the new demand. As stated earlier, this practice will support your local economy, as you will have to hire more people to deliver your goods on time.


We’re still in the middle of the global pandemic. With that in mind, small businesses are trying to build stronger relationships with their customers and motivate them to purchase new goods. If you’re struggling to survive the pandemic and generate more sales leads, it’s time to take a step back and think about all your options. 

So, try to reach a global audience and see how they respond to your brand. If they want to buy your products and learn more about your brand, hire a reliable freight forwarder and make your products available to foreign customers.

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