Data Breaches Can Cost Over $6 Million – Can Hospitals Protect Patient Data?

It’s safe to say at this point that data breaches in the US healthcare system are quite common and are showing no signs of slowing down. According to a study by the reputed Ponemon Institute, healthcare data breaches cost over $6 million, on average. This cost is 60% more than the costs incurred for data… Continue reading Data Breaches Can Cost Over $6 Million – Can Hospitals Protect Patient Data?

Categorized as Health

Wish to Ensure Improved Customer Experience? Use the Innovative Salesforce Customer 360 Data Manager

Salesforce, during the latest conference at Connections 2019, announced that it would be launching a service that would be dedicated to creating a single source of information. This solution aims at including vital enterprise-grade customer-centric data management tools & CRM extensions along with an activation platform towards creating a unified profile for the respective customers. … Continue reading Wish to Ensure Improved Customer Experience? Use the Innovative Salesforce Customer 360 Data Manager

FitGirl: Games for Re-repacking

So after you have a game’s introduction documents, you have numerous different parts that everyone probably won’t need. You’ll have your surfaces, your sound documents, your models, etc. FitGirl isn’t a scene bunch that breaks games. It’s totally one character that repacks computer games in incredibly, extremely wondrous methods. A portion of the Positive focuses… Continue reading FitGirl: Games for Re-repacking

Categorized as Tech

Hоw tо Kеер Antѕ Out оf Yоur Kitсhеn

Dо уоu hаvе аntѕ in уоur kitсhеn? Antѕ аrе thе #1 Pеѕt in thе Australia ассоrding tо multiрlе ѕurvеуѕ. And thеir fаvоritе rооm in уоur hоuѕе iѕ thе kitсhеn. Yuсk! Wе dоn’t wаnt аntѕ in оur kitсhеn, ѕо whаt саn bе dоnе tо kеер thеm аwау? Sеvеrаl ѕtерѕ саn еnѕurе thаt thеѕе wоrk hоrѕеѕ thаt… Continue reading Hоw tо Kеер Antѕ Out оf Yоur Kitсhеn

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