Understand The Importance Of Different Kinds Of Cigar Wrappers Varieties

Understand The Importance Of Different Kinds Of Cigar Wrappers Varieties

Cigar has three main components, wrappers, binders and its fillers. All three are equally vital to the quality of a cigar, but the wrapper is what renders it the aesthetics appeal as well as ensure the flavour it must deliver according to its colour. In fact, this particular exterior component is deemed responsible for nearly 60% or even more than that of cigar’s value and flavour. In the past 25 years, the diversity in wrappers have increase manifold; which has made it more important than ever before. Even it affects the discount cigar prices.

Understand The Importance Of Different Kinds Of Cigar Wrappers Varieties

Here are some major concepts related to cigar wrapper disclosed and discussed briefly.

  1. Veins: Wrappers grown in shade have smoother and smaller veins, but these have higher tobacco quality to them. Their veins should also reflect a bit of oiliness, so it may be assumed that they are not brittle or dried out; which will not be good for the flavour.
  2. Sun vs. Shade grown wrappers: Shade grown wrappers have smooth surface as well as smaller veins. Sun grown wrappers have thicker veins and become dark in colour; but sweet in taste.
  3. AMS wrappers: These are the popular American standard cigar wrappers that are of sour characteristics and light green n colour. These are most often referred as Double Claro, Jade and Candela.
  4. EMS wrappers: These are the British wrappers as per the standards of English cigar markets that date back to 19th century. This is also a benchmark for many modern cigar wrappers that are manufactured currently. Wrappers of this group are usually grown in Connecticut, Cameroon and Cuba.
  5. Two country reference to cigar wrappers: At times cigar makers experiment by growing variety of seeds in different countries and then using them to make wrappers. Thus, wrapper labelled Ecuadorian Connecticut or Dominican Sumatra came into existence. For example, Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper was grown in Ecuador and the seed belonged to Connecticut. First country is the place where wrapper grew and second country is where the seed came from.
  6. Sumatra: These wrappers are grown in the Indonesian region, while they carry in them a neutral and milder flavour. They have a dark brown colour yet a sweet aroma with spicy hint.
  7. Shade wrappers from Connecticut: These are the silkiest ones available among cigar wrappers, where they have a golden brown light colour. Their unobtrusive veins are a beauty to see, while they carry a mild flavour to themselves.
  8. Maduro broadleaf: This is a sun-grown wrapper in Nicaragua, Brazil, Costa Rica, Honduras, Connecticut and Ecuador. It has a dark, sweet and rich aroma and flavours to die for. Even though its thick veins, a nicely crafted wrapper will carry a velvety texture to it.
  9. Cameroon: These African raised wrappers are the popular component of today’s cigar manufacturing. It has a sweet aroma and spicy flavour. Its dark brown colour is attractive and the feel when holding it is luxurious.

Though, a cigar made by these kinds of premium wrappers will cost a fortune, but with discount cigar prices they are always affordable.

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