How To Pack For An International Trip


Going on an international trip can be daunting. Not only do you have to think about all the things you have to do before you go, like making sure your passport is expired, booking hotel rooms, and researching sites you want to see, you also have to think about the long journey that lies ahead. In most cases, you will be on a plane for over ten hours and then you may have up to an hour-long trip by car or bus to wherever your final destination may be. This is why you want to be as prepared as possible before even heading to the airport. Packing appropriate is one of most important things you can do before leaving in order to make your international trip stress-free. Here are tips to pack for an international trip.

  1. Make sure you have comfortable shoes – no matter where you are going, you want to have comfortable shoes. There is a good chance that you will be walking long distances, so you don’t want to hurt your feet. Indeed, you may want to wear these shoes to the airport, so that you don’t have a clunky pair of sneakers taking up valuable space in your luggage.
  1. Make sure that you have enough clean underwear and socks according to the length of your trip. Of course, some local hotels – even some Atlanta GA hotels – may have a laundry service, but if you are traveling abroad to a country that doesn’t have this custom, you may be out of luck when you run out of undergarments. This can be uncomfortable, so you want to count the days you will be gone and bring however many pairs of underwear and socks that you’ll need. You may want to consider bringing an extra pair or two with you in case there are any unforeseen delays.
  1. Make sure that you pack lightly – if you are going to a hotel that does have a laundry service, or if you are traveling for business, you want to keep it as light as possible. The last thing you want when you are traveling is to have a bag that is too heavy to lug around.
  1. Make sure that you do your research about the weather – if you are visiting a location close to the equator and it is summertime, there is a good chance that you are going to bring a lot of light clothing. However, it may get cold at night. If that is the case, you will need to bring some light sweaters or a windbreaker. If the location where you are visiting is freezing cold, you will need to bring some coats. To make things convenient, you may want to wear the coat to the airport.
  1. Make sure that you do your research about the customs in the country – the last thing you want is to visit a country that has strict dress codes and not have the appropriate clothes. If this is the case, you may not be allowed inside certain sites or you may have to purchase new clothes, which could put you out of your travel budget.

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