You can’t get out of your bed. You can taste the food. Your senses become weak. You chill. These are some of the things which you experience if you have flu and colds. Not something that you would like to have, right? When we are being attacked by the said illnesses, it delays a lot of things. You can’t go to work. You can’t prepare your kid’s meals. It’s even hard for you to make a phone call. Indeed, prevention is better than cure. In this post, I will provide 4 easy tips on how you can prevent flu and colds.
Keep your hands clean. When we sneeze, we have this habit of using our hands to cover our mouths. Logically speaking, when we do that, the germs or viruses go to our hands. If we fail to wash our hands, we might spread the virus. Think about it, we touch a lot of things. It can be your officemate’s desk, your telephone or even a file. When other people touch the things that you have ‘infected’, and they accidently touch their nose, mouth or eyes, chances are, they will be infected too. Make it a routine to clean your hands. If you don’t have an easy access to soap and water, you can just have an alcohol or hand sanitizer near you.
Start dancing. What I’m trying to say is that you need to have an active lifestyle. If you have two left feet, you might want to try running or swimming. The main goal here is to pump larger amounts of blood. Having an active lifestyle can help you in building a better immune system. Your body will have more cells which naturally kill viruses.
Eat more vegetables. Plants are good for us. Start learning dishes which use red, yellow and dark green vegetables. You might also want to trade those potato chips for yummy and healthy fruits.
Learn how to unwind. You might think that if you are doing nothing, you are already relaxing. It doesn’t go that way actually. Being bored and relaxing are two different things. If you don’t know how to do it, then I suggest that you enrol in a yoga class. From there, you will learn how to free your mind from stress. Yes, stress can make your immune system weak hence, making you prone to flu and colds.
Simple tips, right? Do you have other suggestions and tips which you can share with us?
Barbara Watson knows the importance of good health most especially to the working class. She gives easy to do tips to promote great health. Aside from that, she writes for Edrugstore.MD. You can find tips from that website too.
How Can You Prevent Flu And Colds – Stay Away From These Illnesses