Driving Safety Tips

Driving can be dangerous for a number of reasons. Whether it’s car accidents, bad weather or heavy traffic, driving can be a risky mean of transportation. However, driving is sometimes inevitable. There are certain times and places when public transportation or walking will not get you where you need to go. It is important to know not only the rules of the road when driving, but also a number of safety tips that should serve as a reminder for the importance of safe driving.

Tip #1: Don’t underestimate the Importance of Car Maintenance

Remember that car breakdowns can occur whenever, wherever. One way you can prevent car troubles from happening is to make sure that your car is properly maintained. This way, you can be confident that your car won’t break down in the middle of the road, especially at night.

Here are some car maintenance checks you should do regularly:

  • Battery – Make sure that your battery is functioning properly. You can check this regularly or have a specialist check it for you. If you have a battery that’s not functioning as well as it used to, it may be time to replace it.

  • Oil – Before you start your car, make a point to check your engine oil. Also, regularly get an oil change so you can keep yourself safe, and prolong your car’s condition. Make sure to bring your car to a reputable mechanic so he can take care of these things for you.

  • Tires – Make sure to check your tire pressure every day before you start your car. This way, you can determine if there are any holes that could lead to a flat tire. Apart from that, you should also check your tire alignment.

Driving Safety Tips

Tip #2: Use a Map

Especially if you will be travelling an unknown area, see to it that you have a map that can help guide you on your way back. Smart phones are great with guidance, however they do have a battery life. A paper map is a great back up in case you unexpectedly get lost and do not have any sort of technology to help you.

Tip #3: Inform a Friend of Your Whereabouts

When you’re going somewhere far, dangerous or unfamiliar or for a long period of time, make sure you let someone know where it is that you are going. It is always a good idea to inform others of your whereabouts in case something were to happen along the way.

Tip #4: Be Prepared to Defend Yourself at All Times

Emergencies can occur at any time or place, especially when you are driving. This is why you need to be prepared at all times. During emergency situations, it is important to remember that your phone can be a big help to you. Pull to the side of the rode if possible and call 911.  Try and give as descriptive of a location as possible to the dispatcher if not the exact intersection of where you are. It is also important to keep the number of a mechanical or towing company in your phonebook so you can easily give them a call.

In the end, it is always good to be alert and prepared for any situation when driving. Whether you’re driving at night to a foreign place or during the day to a familiar place, you should always make sure that your journey will be as safe as possible.

Written by the staff of Custom Complete Automotive. Custom Complete is your go to solution for the best car repair, inspections and an oil change Columbia MO has to offer.

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