7 Things To Look For In An Injury Lawyer

Looking for an injury lawyer? No problem – here are 7 things to look for in an injury lawyer, to ensure that you get the best legal representation.

  1. Are they legally allowed to practice? : To practice law, a solicitor must hold a practicing certificate. If you are unsure about the qualification of your solicitor, asking to see this will provide peace of mind. If your solicitor cannot or will not show you this document, avoid them at all costs.
  1. Is the solicitor experienced? : Experience is incredibly important when looking for an injury lawyer, because this will determine their ability to process your claim efficiently and successfully. The more experience a lawyer has the better placed they are to handle your claim. Ideally, you want a solicitor who has worked at least half a dozen injury claims similar to your own.
  1. Extra support : Some solicitors are happy to provide extra support for their client and their client’s family such as medical care coordination, but some do not offer this service. If you do not require such a service then that is fine, but most people do, so having a solicitor on your side who will actively provide such support can be invaluable. For example, the solicitors at http://www.accidentadvicehelpline.co.uk/ will happily coordinate extra support for you.
  1. Success rates : A high success rate means that your solicitor wins most of their cases. Most solicitors have a success rate of around 70 percent. Anything in the eighties is considered excellent.
  1. Will they work under no win, no fee? : Most accident lawyers work under no win, no fee agreements but some do not. No win, no fee agreement stipulate that your solicitor will only get paid if they win their case. The way a solicitor gets paid under such an agreement is by taking a percentage (up to 25%) from your settlement figure, or by reclaiming their costs from the other side.
  1. Transparency : You should be made aware of the risks of making a claim before you agree to make a claim and in addition to this you should know how strong your claim is. If your claim is not very strong then it may be best not to make a claim at all. Whatever the case, your lawyer should give you this information. In fact, they are obligated to be transparent at all times.
  1. The law firm itself : Larger law firms are almost always best placed to handle your claim, because they have access to the widest range of lawyers. However, you should also look at their reputation online and ask for testimonials. Most law firms will be happy to prove these to you.

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