Understand Aspects Influencing Power Consumption in Air Conditioners

Understand Aspects Influencing Power Consumption in Air Conditioners

Air conditioners consume significant amount of energy, so the electricity bills can bloat, especially in summer. People always consider buying an energy efficient model. This does help a lot, but there are other things that influence the electricity usage of the air conditioner.

Understand Aspects Influencing Power Consumption in Air Conditioners

Aspects influencing power consumption in AC

Room size

Air conditioners are designed to eliminate heat and moisture from enclosed space, so will consume necessary energy to do this task. However, energy consumption of AC differs in different settings. For example, 1.5-ton Lloyd split is rated with 1.5 kW – 2 kW.

If this AC is installed in a room of 122 sq feet then its energy consumption in one hour will differ than the similar model fixed in 155 sq feet room [in similar conditions and same location]. It means the room is large, so it takes more energy to cool it or remove heat.


Temperatures of cities also differ. Therefore, a similar model in two cities consumes different energy levels. Energy consumption in a city with low temperature will be less. Therefore, the AC tonnage needed differs. Cities having humid climate will need less cooling and more of moisture removal.

Humidity removal relies on compressor cycles. In an oversized AC compressor cycle is short and will be unable to remove humidity efficiently. Choosing smaller ACs for humid places is a wise thing. Overall air conditioner sizing is a crucial aspect to determine.


Besides walls, the color of curtains and occupants wearing dark clothes, impact power consumption of the air conditioner. Dark colors absorb a lot of heat, which makes AC work hard. Such things are unavoidable but it can be helpful, when you repaint the walls or go shopping for new curtains.

Occupants in the room

Human body releases heat. So, if there are more people in the room, it needs more cooling. Therefore, if the room is expected to be used by more people then choose a model with more tonnage. You can look on eBay and compare specs on ComapreRaja.in.

Electronic appliances and lights emit heat

Computers, laptops, and mobile phones start to emit heat after long operation. Even lights and bulbs release heat. So, when you use computers or the room lights with AC switched on more energy will be consumed to cool the room. Therefore, use less or LED lights to save energy.

Solid objects absorb heat

Every object needs cooling. Solid objects are heat conductors, so if there are more things in the room it takes time to cool the space. Keep things organized in closed cupboards and even insulation of walls can help to reduce electricity consumed.

Air conditioner temperature

Usage of energy by an AC depends on thermostat temperature setting. If you set the AC at low temperature then the power consumed will be high.

Other things that affect AC load and electricity bill

  • Ignoring regular unit maintenance
  • Proper insulation
  • Close room doors and windows, properly
  • Close the cupboard door [open almirah door can add space and things inside to be cooled].
  • Apply reflective paints on external walls and roof to reflect sun heat.

Even if you ignored in optimizing your cooling needs properly, then buying an oversized or undersized AC impacts the capital cost of purchasing and even electricity bills.

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