Tips For Increasing Your Business Network Security

Tips For Increasing Your Business Network Security

The ease of Wi-Fi usage and convenience associated with the communication medium can lull business network admins into a false sense of security.

Using a network-wide antivirus for Mac or windows is not enough in this day and age. Skilled hackers are sharpening their cyber swords more each day, learning clever new ways and means of breaching network security walls and compromising your business.

Maintain a disciplined approach to increasing business network security. Think through potential access points to better understand how a hacker may try to break through a hole in your security wall.

Following a few set security tips can keep your network safe.

Changing the Default Password Is a Must

Don’t ever use the default password for your network. You should change the default selection immediately when you set up your router. If you did make this mistake stop and change your password now to secure your network. Network equipment vendors commonly use the same default passwords. One or 2 web searches can reveal the default passwords and completely wreck your business. Be vigilant. Change your default password to a strong password. Make your business network tough to crack.

Tips For Increasing Your Business Network Security

WEP Encryption Is Out

Use only WPA2 encryption to keep your network safe and secure. Cyber thieves can spy on your activity with ease due to the unidirectional nature of Wi-Fi networks. You need strong encryption protocols to remain confident in your network security.

WEP encryption is still offered but this dated form of security can be hacked in a short period of time. Never use WEP if you want to secure your business wireless network.

Use WPAs encryption as each adapter car and Wi-Fi device supports this level of powerful encryption.

Use Clever Passphrases

Hackers can use brute force attacks to access networks under the guard of easy to guess passphrases. Outfox cyber criminals by using a password at least 25 characters in length. Employ a combination of symbols, letters and numbers to stymie persistent hackers.

Staying one step ahead of creative, malicious parties will take effort on your part. Craft a difficult to guess passphrase to neutralize hacker software as well as the persistent brainstorming that you’re likely up against when securing your business network against determined criminals.

Use both upper and lower case letters to make it even more difficult for hackers to guess your network passphrase. Putting just a little extra effort into picking a strong passphrase can make the difference between securing your network or losing critical information which can undermine your business quickly.

Establish a Guest Network

Give friends, family and other visitors access to your business Wi-Fi network through a secure guest network. Giving out a static password to each visitor is a recipe for disaster and can compromise your network. Open up a second SSID to establish a guest wireless network.

You can change passphrases easily without having this change affect your devices. You’ll also be free to disable this network when no guest is surfing the web.

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