The Road Towards A Truly Organised Office

Since time immemorial, the two essential ingredients in any business have been organization and productivity. Regardless of what field of business you’re in, if you slip on an organization, you risk spiralling down to a cluttered and unfocused chaos. The larger the workforce, the better organized should your office be. Not to mention that de-cluttered space always results in better productivity. Let’s see what organising tips you can apply.

The Road Towards A Truly Organised Office

Provide ample storage

Among the many benefits of staying organized is that you need less time finding what you’re looking for. Those few minutes you’d otherwise spend rooting around in back cupboards, can really add on during a week, but even worse than the time lost is the mental confusion and stress that goes with it. A Michigan State University study has found that only 3 seconds of distraction can significantly increase the rate of error once we get back to work. Filing cabinets are best used for storing documents you need regular access to, while storage boxes are suitable for archives.

Manage desk space

Disorganized and cluttered desks are a large source of distractions and subsequently reduced productivity that leaves you feeling half-drained before you’ve even had your first coffee. If you let papers pile up on your desk, you’re in for even more stress. A simple yet effective solution are letter trays and penholders that can be use for containing loose items and facilitate easier clean-up throughout the office. When it comes to personal desks, having specific drawers or desk organizers for all your stationery not only lets you monitor your stock levels, but also increase your useful workspace.

Use the right kits

Disinfectants and all-purpose cleaners can reduce the presence and spreading of germs on worktops, while microfiber cloths allow you to trap dirt and dust effectively with less cleaning fluid. Instead of using a separate machine for every use, invest in an all-in-one printer that allows you to copy, scan and store important documents on the cloud. The list of productivity office tools goes on and on, so you may check out well-stocked suppliers, as Winc Australia, for wall planers and other affordable office supplies.

Drop the paper

It seems that days of filing cabinets are numbered, as more and more businesses are moving their archives and daily documentation online. What is more, the current estimate of 45 sheets of paper per employee a day doesn’t sound earth-friendly at all. With so much paper being used daily, an estimate is that nearly half of them are needless, and usually end up thrown away the same day. The second half is stored, but as the available storage space grows smaller, the paper storage easily spills from the filing room into the office space.

One task at a time

Contrary to a popular belief that multitasking helps you save time and work more effectively, doing several things at once actually makes you 40% less productive. Help your employees build a mindset that one task at a time not only eliminates the clutter from their desk, but allows them to fully commit to the task at hand. Once each task is completed, it’s easy to store all the files away and start with the next one.

With joint efforts of the management and the employees, it’s possible to discipline the workforce and keep the office space organized, which is one of the most important pre-requisites of moving your business forward. Keeping the workspace tidy will maximize the space you work with, but still, make sure you find some space for your personal belongings, whether it’s a family photo or a drought-friendly succulent.

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