Since time immemorial, the two essential ingredients in any business have been organization and productivity. Regardless of what field of business you’re in, if you slip on an organization, you risk spiralling down to a cluttered and unfocused chaos. The larger the workforce, the better organized should your office be. Not to mention that de-cluttered… Continue reading The Road Towards A Truly Organised Office
Tag: productivity
All Work and No Play Won’t Make Employees Happy All Day
Employees are the greatest asset of a business. From industrialization to this day, even a true layman can notice a particular kind of progress in the worldwide industry – a “small man” or, if you will, a blue and white collar workers are getting increasingly appreciated. Of course, this is a statistical fact, if we… Continue reading All Work and No Play Won’t Make Employees Happy All Day
How To Look Fresh The Morning After Your Company’s Party
Some might think that a 9-to-5 job means partying is for weekends only, but the truth is office parties can occur on more or less regular basis. However, there’s one significant downside – coming back to work the morning after. A study showed that beauty sleep is not just an expression – sleep deprived people… Continue reading How To Look Fresh The Morning After Your Company’s Party
13 Things You Should Be Doing Before Going To Sleep To Increase Productivity
We neglect a lot of things in life. The fast-paced modern lifestyle pushes us to do as much tasks as we can within the limited time in our hands. We choose fast food meals over homemade delights. We’d rather spend our leisure time watching videos via our handheld devices instead of burning calories in the… Continue reading 13 Things You Should Be Doing Before Going To Sleep To Increase Productivity
How To Improve Air Quality In Commercial Structures
Air quality affects our health, comfort and productivity. Even though we usually refer to outdoor air when we talk about pollution, it’s worth remembering that indoor air quality is of equal importance. Lots of people spend several hours each day in an office, exposed to all sorts of unhealthy and potentially hazardous elements. Luckily, awareness… Continue reading How To Improve Air Quality In Commercial Structures
Developing Productive Study Habits Is Easier Than You Think
Students are burdened with many things they need to juggle on a daily basis. The whole pandemonium is often making it difficult for them to concentrate on the studying bit. Paying close attention in class is important, but it’s not enough if we want to pass the course. We need to commit to a certain… Continue reading Developing Productive Study Habits Is Easier Than You Think
Smart Ways To Increase Home Office Productivity
More computers, fewer commuters – this the current result of the fast-paced changes in the IT field over the last two decades. Since the number of people working from home is increasing dramatically, their work conditions are changing, too. Apart from the type of the computer they use and the Internet speed, the third most… Continue reading Smart Ways To Increase Home Office Productivity
Smart Ways To Relaxify Your Office Space
A strictly business oriented office space is not accommodating for everyone. Despite the prevailing opinion in the majority of the scholarly articles about office space organization that says that solely a business environment can put people into proper mood, it can be counterproductive and limiting for some people. If you feel that your office space… Continue reading Smart Ways To Relaxify Your Office Space