Spanish Birthday Wishes Are Very Famous In Usa Because Of A Large Number Of Spanish Speakers

Spanish Birthday Wishes Are Very Famous In Usa Because Of A Large Number Of Spanish Speakers

Birthday wishes is a vital part of a person’s birthday. It makes them feel important, special and cared about. People always struggle with what to write on the greeting cards. Some people already buy greeting cards with words already printed in them, but some of them want to make it more special and express their own feelings. But what to do if a person whom you want to wish a happy birthday speaks another language? This is quite a common phenomenon in the United States, where a big part of people are Spanish language speakers. Thus, they usually search for kind and unique Spanish birthday wishes.

Spanish Birthday Wishes Are Very Famous In Usa Because Of A Large Number Of Spanish Speakers

One way to say happy birthday in the Spanish language is religious, as it is known that many Spanish people are religious people. One example of such birthday wishes is as follows: “Que Dios tebendigaentucumpleaños. Teenviamosnuestroamor”, which is translated into English as “May God bless you on your birthday. We all send our love”.

Another way to say happy birthday to your friends is to use kind words about them, such as “Happy Birthday to someone whose presence is always pleasing. May each day be as special as today”, which in the Spanish language goes as follows:

“Felizcumpleañosaalguienquesupresenciaessiempre un placer. Quecadadia sea tan especial como hoy”. Another example of wishing happy birthday to a person you care about is the following: “¡Felizcumpleaños! ¡Tedeseoundía tan hermosocomo el arco iris! Tequiero!”, which is translated as follows: “Happy Birthday! I wish you a day as beautiful as a rainbow! I love you!”.

Also, there are many traditional ways which you can use in Spanish birthday wishes, such as “¡Felizaniversario a una persona maravillosa!.Quetengassalud y felicidad”, which in English means “Happy Anniversary to a wonderful person. May you always have good health and be happy”; “Felicitacionesentucumpleaños. Tedeseo la mejor de lassuertes y mucho éxito”, which stands for “Congratulations on your birthday. I wish you the best of luck and every success”. Also, one of the most popular Spanish birthday wishes is the following example: “¡Felizcumpleaños! Enundia tan especial comoeste, tedeseoquetengassuerte, felicidad, y que se cumplantodostusdeseos”, which in English means “Happy Birthday! In a day so special like this, I wish you good luck, lot of happiness, all your wishes come true”.

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