Preserve Nature With Travel!

Preserve Nature With Travel!

If you’re planning a trip, you’ll need to think about a lot of things. Which accommodation to choose? Which mode of transport would be best? What should you eat? But do you consider the environment while you make your travel plans? What are the environmental ethics you should follow to converse biodiversity even as you travel?

Clueless about what you can do? Read about Dancing Star Foundation to get some tips for ‘green’ travel.

Preserve Nature With Travel!

Look for Opportunities for Ecotourism:

Be a responsible traveller and conserve the natural areas while travelling. Ecotourism can help you reduce your impact and focus of preserving qualities of a place that attracted you to visit it. So seek out accommodation that has policies in place for conserving the environment. This might be a little difficult to find by you can start your search by looking for hotels that advertise they are environmentally responsible, then once you find a few, make a phone call and check for the same. Look for hotels that have certifications such as LEED certifies, Green glove, Green Leaf, EU Eco-Label or any other certification.

Reach there the ‘Green’ Way:

The most intense portion of the vacation that causes pollution is the journey. The option that causes most pollution is air travel. So why not take a car or train wherever you can, this can save you money and the environment too. Train travel is the best option if you have time for the same. Apart from going green, there are other advantages such as interacting with others or having to worry about driving or any other concerns. No matter which mode of travel you finally decide on, look for packages that offer carbon neutralization. This is the best way to support the ones who are working to curb emissions and do your bit to help them. Such packages neutralize the carbon emissions of your travel by number of projects they have started to offset the amount of carbon that is produced by travel.

Reduce Your Tourist Impact:

Once you reach your destination, there are number of ways to conserve biodiversity and reducing your tourist impact on nature. Use public travel instead of renting a taxi or car. By doing this you can understand the local nature of the place and you don’t need to worry about finding parking or dealing with traffic and you will save money too.  To get the more local experience, dine in the local farmer’s market. You will get fresh and delicious local food options. This will help in reducing the ‘food miles’ – that is the distance travelled by food and can reduce the emissions of travel this way too.

If you’re travelling to delicate ecosystems, make sure you follow all tips to conserve them. Getting experience of beaches, wildlife and forest is a luxury and treat it like one so the experience does not get ruined and the place remains same for years to come. Wherever you go, be a responsible traveler, do your bit to conserve nature.

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