How To Fly Long Haul With Kids

If you’re thinking of taking your kids on holiday but you don’t want to compromise on location then there’s only one thing for it – long-haul!
Australia, Africa and South-east Asia are all waiting to be explored and discovered through the eyes of your children. However, if you’re fearing the outcome of over 12 hours holed-up in the same position then read on because below are 10 essential tips that every parent needs to know for the sanity of themselves and their fellow passengers.

Wrapped Gifts

Timing is everything and if you can wrap anything up to 10 gifts and stow them in your hand-luggage then you could have the means to encourage good behaviour as well as notching up at least a few more minutes whilst each ‘well done’ present is unwrapped.

Modern Technology

Nobody likes to see their kids with their noses glued to a hand-held gadget or computer screen however, needs must and if you can pack games, videos and stories into one handy little piece of kit then you’d be crazy not to invest, borrow or steal.


Of course, going old-school was never in doubt and ensuring you have adequate reading material is essential for a least a few peaceful moments throughout the flight. Don’t wait until bed time but do make sure that you pack as many favourite reads as new editions.


For whatever reason, kids love stickers and if you can combine an activity book with a selection of corresponding stickers then you’re on to a real winner. On seats, tables, each other, it really doesn’t matter where they stick ’em as long as they’re quiet and enjoying themselves.


Anyone heading out on their family adventure holidays will realise the value of taking a few choice snacks and from savoury biscuits to ever-lasting gob stoppers as long as you can ensure your child will enjoy them and take their time then there’s nothing to lose. Note: this is not the time to rely on air-plane food or see if they like the taste of humus for the first time – tried and tested only.


Mr Snugly Bunny, Mrs Long Toes and that chewed up piece of cloth your youngest adorably calls Billy – don’t forget their favourite comforts no matter what else you do. Duvets, pillows and pyjamas are all essential for aiming to get them off to sleep as quickly as possible.

Swapping Seats

If you’re travelling with your partner then why not try swapping seats and also swapping kids if you have more than one? A change is as good as a rest and you may all find that the new surroundings unleashes a fresh burst of energy and more creativity.


Get up and walk around with your off-spring either to the toilet, the staff quarters or just down the aisle because no sooner have you stretched your legs than you’ll be feeling less cramped and frustrated in no time at all. If you can find an exercise book for sitting down and practise before you leave home then you’ll be able to start your routine straight from the off.

Other People

Although you are probably going to be the least popular passengers even before you’ve got on the plane, the chances are that there are plenty of friendly faces that can help you lighten your heavy load. Be polite, ask for permission and take up all offers of assistance whenever someone is volunteering to play and monitor your kids.

Don’t Sweat it

Seriously, you may be flying across the globe but don’t worry too much about things going wrong. Airline staff are on-hand to help and have experienced much worse before and even though your fellow passengers are huffing and puffing they won’t have to wait much longer and a bit of patience never hurt anyone – in fact, you’re doing them a favour.

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