Do You know What To Expect The Night Of Your Prom?

There is a mystique to the prom; parents and students alike put great care and effort into the preparation of this one night. It’s the meaning behind it that makes this one dance the dance of all dances. It’s you knowing that this is it! There are no more dances, classes, and teachers to deal with. Your life is moving forward, your becoming an adult with new responsibilities, and this dance represents the end of one chapter of your life, and the beginning of the rest of your life’s story.  This dance is your personal rite of passage into adulthood.
But do you know what to expect the actual day of prom? Most students do not understand how the day will unfold. We have some of the key elements of your big day listed for you.
What To Expect On Prom Day
Your Hairstyle- Booked ahead of time, you may have to book your appointment in the morning the day of prom, or just before prom. There are only so many hairdressers and a lot of girls who will all want their hair styled. Plan your day around when your appointment is, because you don’t want to do anything later in the day that could damage this professional hairstyle, and you want to have everything finished in time to get your hair done if it’s an afternoon appointment.

The Clothing- The girls will have their dress in advance, unless they are renting it. If you’re a female who is renting her dress, or a guy who has to rent a tuxedo you have to plan time into your day to pick up of these items. You don’t want to leave it till last minute incase something is wrong with it when you get it. You should pick it up as early in the morning as the store will allow you too. Try your clothes on when you get it to ensure it fits just the way you want it to. Remember though, even if you have it first thing in the morning, you don’t want to put it on till just before you are ready to leave for prom. This will avoid any chance that you might damage, or stain it in any way.
The Flowers- Pick up your corsages or boutonnieres in the early morning. It’s not a bad idea to pick it up the day before, but not much sooner then that, because you want them fresh for your date. Keep them in the fridge because you don’t want them to wilt on you.
The Transportation- If you are going with a friend or your parents, make sure to talk to them throughout the day, to arrange when and where they will be picking you up. You don’t want to leave this till the last minute incase there happens to be a misunderstanding between you and them and your left stranded trying to find a replacement ride. If you are renting a limo for the night, you should have called and confirmed weeks ago. But it doesn’t hurt the day of the prom to make a call to check up on all the details. Limo companies are very busy this day, and mix-ups can occur. is a brand new Prom Forum that just launched. We are trying to help give teenagers and parents a place to be able to share information and gather ideas.

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