Boosting Morale: 4 Ways to Engage More with Your Employees

If you are an owner or manager, getting your employees to be motivated and engaged is a challenge. However, there are clear and proven strategies to boost morale if you use the roadmap that has been paved before you. Here are four tips to use to make sure your employees are giving their all at work:

Daily Goals

People are goal oriented. It is something that is ingrained in the biology of every person. Therefore, one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them engaged is to set daily goals and tasks for them. Make sure you let them set their own goals too.

When they are involved in determining the goals for the day or week, they will be more focused. They have a better understanding behind the reasons for them and thus will give more effort.

Review Periods

There is no point in having strong goals if you are not going to review them. This also keeps employees more engaged. If they feel they will be pressured to keep up with review periods, then there will be less slacking off.

One of the keys to a great review period is making sure that you use different criteria each time. If you only use certain metrics, people might learn to game the system. Also consider having employees monitor each other. This will boost engagement and encourage them to keep their partners in line during the day.

Performance Driven Pay

People do not go to work in order to volunteer. At the end of the day, your employees are looking to get paid. If you can tie their pay to performance, then you increase their engagement overall. For instance, imagine your sales team. They might not be motivated to pick up the phone day after day and face rejection unless real money is attached.

Give Them Autonomy Over Their Devices

The BYOD craze is in full swing. It is proven to make people more productive. Of course, this makes complete sense when you think about it. The more people have control over their devices, the more they can customize them to their own workflows.

When it comes to getting more out of your employees, it is easier said than done. You want to strike a balance between fun and productivity. Furthermore, it needs to be sustainable. Therefore, if you use the four tips above you can achieve greater engagement and, as a byproduct, greater morale for your entire team.

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