5 Easy Tips For Cleaning And Maintaining Dental Implants

We all want clean, attractive and complete dental structures to ensure good dental health. To have good dental health, different dental procedures and treatments can be sought at specializing dental clinics. One common dental treatment that offers a long term solution to missing teeth and requires careful maintenance is dental implants.
It is very crucial that dental implants are cared for like regular teeth, if you want them to last longer. Dental implants are beneficial to your overall health, and neglecting to take care of them will be a waste of money, time and effort. These implants also rely on bone for support and when you lose bone level due to neglect, the implants will fall.

What Are Dental Implants?

This treatment involves the positioning of titanium teeth roots into the jaw then attaching crowns on top of the roots after healing. Dental implants are durable and they can last for years without the risk of getting cavities as long as they are cared for. They help boost confidence with a complete and healthy smile.

Tips On Maintaining Dental Implants

All you need to do is care for your dental implants the same way you would care for your natural teeth. Brushing your teeth, flossing and using mouth wash are everyday regimes you must not neglect. Visiting your dentist is also essential because you will need to have the implants checked regularly to ensure that everything is fine. Always remember that good oral hygiene is mandatory if you have dental implants. Here are some tips to help you care for your dental implants –

1. Maintaining A Proper Diet

If you have just gotten the implants, you must only eat soft food until the implants are completely anchored in the jaw bone. You need to avoid eating nuts, meat and other solid food to prevent stress along the jaw, while maintaining a diet of vegetables, cereals and fruits, while drinking plenty of water.

2. Chew On Both Sides

You can inflict trauma on the dental implants when you chew lot on a specific side. Remember that dental implants must never be stressed because it can only damage the implants severely. It is better to chew on both sides of the jaw with even force to prevent stressing the jaw and implants.

3. Stop Smoking

Smoking is bad for everyone’s health, but it especially bad for those who had just had dental implants placed. It can affect the stabilization of the titanium screws within the bone because the blood’s ability to carry oxygen is impaired preventing healing while introducing toxins in the body.

4. Daily Dental Care

Dental implants must be treated like natural teeth so it is important to brush them after every meal. Aside from brushing your teeth after every meal, you will need to make flossing a habit at night to make sure all traces of food have been removed before going to bed.

5. Regular Dental Checkups

Visiting your dentist for routine checkups must never be neglected because your dental implants must be checked to see if they are healing and stabilizing properly in your jaw. You can also have your dentist recommend other dental care techniques and special toothbrushes and toothpastes that are suitable for dental implants.

  • Photograph by: anitapeppers.
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source: http://mrg.bz/xtHws6
Valerie Brady is a mother of four and a freelance writer specializing in dental health and cosmetic dental procedures. She also blogs about different cosmetic Dentist treatments and offers dental care tips for dental implant maintenance.

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